One year on, what have we learned? Join us for Interaction 22 ↗
Vous dirigez un groupe IxDA local ou êtes intéressé à créer un groupe IxDA dans votre ville? Si oui, rejoignez-nous à l’atelier annuel des leaders locaux.
Ensemble avec d’autres dirigeants locaux nous discuterons de stratégies pour bâtir une communauté IxDA passionnée dans votre région.
This year, in addition to sharing stories and best practices, and making connections with your fellow Local Leaders, we want to prompt a broader discussion – grounded in the realities of 2020 and how it is shaping our future:
Our format will be a series of three 4-hr workshops to accommodate our global network, optimized for different timezones. Pick one workshop, or sign up for all three sessions. Sessions will be recorded so they can be shared.
You’ll spend time workshopping strategies and content that may incubate new IxDA initiatives to serve the community both locally and globally.
Come prepared with ideas you’d like to share and open for discussion with others.
The goal is for all us is to understand our shared challenges created by the pandemic, to develop and validate strategies for the future, and to create a common understanding of how our activities advance IxDA’s mission and vision, at the local, regional and global level.
Le but est que tout le monde puisse comprendre les défis des dirigeants IxDA locaux, apprendre comment les surmonter et interagir et communiquer avec d’autres dirigeants locaux du monde entier.